Saturday, March 1, 2014

Choose to be Happy :)


I know I have neglected to write in this in a while, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to write about something that has been running through my mind. This past week we have been studying about faith and hope as a mission. Faith has to be one of my favorite Christlike attributes to study about because it doesn't matter how many times you study it, you're always learning something new. This week I've also learned a lot about hope. I've learned that no matter what we are going through the hope of God's eternal plan is what keeps me going. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people, but all of that is temporal. God's plan on the other hand is ETERNAL. Do we really understand what that means? I promise that if you get down on your knees and really think about God's eternal plan for you. You will see the glimpse of love our Heavenly Father has for you. The more we come understand where we are going the more we will see that life trials are only temporary. One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is in Ether 12:14

"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for better world, yea, even place at the right hand of God,which hope cometh of faithmaketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good worksbeing led to glorify God." 

I know that even though the hardest trails good things are ALWAYS ahead. If your struggling to have that hope today, don't give up. Just keep going!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our Journey Back

The other morning I was hearing a talk by President Uchtdorf "Your Wonderful Journey Home". It brought me back to an experience I had a couple of years ago:

It had been snowing for weeks. I was on way home and like always, my favorite, traffic! I was probably 1 mile away from my house, but sitting in that traffic felt like I would never get home. Knowing I could do nothing to change the situation I turned up my music a little higher and waited. Finally the traffic was moving, finally, I could get home! There was one street that took forever to turn left because there was always cars going the other direction that didn't let you pass, so knowing this town well, I decided to take a little shortcut. There was a yield sign, but with all the snow that had been pushed to the side walks I could barley see where I was turning. I waited for a while and treated the yield sign more like a stop light. I waited and waited until it was clear. No cars. As I slowly moved forward making sure I looked at both sides I proceed to make a left turn. The next thing I could remember was people talking to me and asking me if was okay. When I realized I was okay I stepped out of the car and started to look around. I started to get a little sad and frustrated with myself. Maybe I should be have waited a little longer. Why has this happened to me? I quickly humbled myself and was just grateful I was still alive. 

Even though the talk " Your Wonderful Journey Home" was directed to the young women I think it relates to all of us. I love what President Uchtdorf said at the end of his talk : "There will always be things to complain about—things that don’t seem to go quite right. You can spend your days feeling sad, alone, misunderstood, or unwanted. But that isn’t the journey you had hoped for, and it’s not the journey Heavenly Father sent you to take. Remember, you are truly a daughter of God! With this in mind, I invite you to walk confidently and joyfully. Yes, the road has bumps and detours and even some hazards. But don’t focus on them. Look for the happiness your Father in Heaven has prepared for you in every step of your journey. Happiness is the destination, but it’s also the path. “Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” is what He promises. That is why He commands us to “be of good cheer.”

Even though trails may come, never forget that there is a loving Heavenly Father who has sent us here for a reason. Do not fear, God is always near. If we trust in him we can all make our journey back home.