Tuesday, September 24, 2013

L . O . V . E .

"Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount -- that is the measure of God's love for you." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

One of the talks I enjoyed in today's church meeting is God's love for us. Our Heavenly Father is mindful of each one of us because he loves all his children. We all require different things, but the love that God has for his children is all the same. I am a big believer on "things happen for a reason." I try not to look too deeply in to things, but I have always found that God has placed me in a certain place at a certain time for a reason. We may not realize it at the time, but God is mindful of each one of us, therefore he puts different people in our paths. Whenever my plans change I feel of my Heavenly Father's love because its almost like a warning that I should be doing something different.I try not argue with it, even though there have been times where I've asked "why do I have to do this?" In the long run I've learned to trust that feeling.   

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